Brand Affiliations

As a True Value® affiliate we have access to a complete line of major manufacturers for any hardware and household items.

We are a Pratt & Lambert® dealer, recent winner of JD Power & Associates 2010 Paint Satisfaction Study, stocking a full line of interior products with availability to their complete product catalog.

We provide a full product line of Satco® lighting products for all applications with most common use bulbs in regular stock.

Schmuger Hardware sells King Pine® concentrated cleaning chemicals and pest control solutions, including bedbug spray.

We stock builder's supplies from major manufacturers such as DAP®, US Gypsum® and GE®; including, but not limited to, joint compounds and plaster, caulking and silicone.

Schmuger stocks door chimes/viewers and mailbox parts by Auth-Florence® and we are able to take care of your special order needs for any mailboxes and parts.

We carry General Coatings® masonry enamels and products in consumer and industrial grades, including polyurethane and wood floor sealers.

Other Brands we Proudly Offer

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